Monday, April 14, 2008


Not much excitement to report since my last post. I guess it's all down hill after a rockin redneck party weekend in the north Georgia hills. I spent most of last week in Atlanta where I did far more drinking than I had originally planned and thus, far less riding my bike. I did have some good times with some good people though. From Atlanta I headed to Birmingham for another weekend-long event, which was also very much fun, although significantly less eventful than my previous adventure. It rained like hell the first night and started to get cold, so I put myself in charge of making a hella sweet fire:

I did manage to get in a much-needed mountain bike ride on a really cool trail. I started out on what I think must have been the crappiest section of trail. It was a ~3 mile climb on a rocky fire road and I wasn't too excited about it, but I figured that it was better than not riding. Finally I got to the top and got to descend for about 2 miles, which was fun, but it still wasn't the singletrack I was craving. Finally at the bottom of the fire road I started riding through some actual trails. It was pretty rocky, but still fun. Then, toward the end, just before it started getting too dark to see the trail, I reached a 2 mile long section of trail that was as smooth and flowy and fun as any trail I've ever been on. It was the best ride I've done in a long time, and I was glad that I saved the best part of the trail for the end. I was really tired by that last two miles, and that section of sweet trail lifted my spirits, enough so that I didn't even mind having to ride 3 miles on the road to get back to my cabin.

I don't have any events scheduled this week, but I have to be in Raleigh on Friday. It's a long ass drive to go home and then come back out east, so I'm crashing with some old friends from OKC who have relocated to Manchester, Tennessee. Another one of my surrogate families, I guess you could say. This weekend will mark the start of a pretty busy week, 6 events within 7 days and each of them are 3-6 hours apart. So that's gonna be lots of driving and talking to strangers and not much down time, so I'm trying to make sure I'm caught up on random stuff before then. Oh, and I get to help Kellen celebrate his birthday on Wednesday in grand fashion, so I'm sure you'll hear about that soon enough.

Sorry for the boring post. At least I'm not telling you about the difficulties I encountered while eating a salad. Sorry, Chris, it's been awhile since I've made fun of you for anything.


Anonymous said...

so i saw the pictures and i said oh look its rosina with fire and a bottle of wine how surprising..

G as in Chris said...

Yes because making a fire is so much more exciting that food committing suicide off my plate. Pfftt. And even without the salad post, you have some serious catching up to do.