Quick recap of the last two weeks: I drove. A lot. I slept in the car a couple times because it was cheaper. I met up with some long lost friends for a few hours. I drank a lot of beer. I talked to a lot of women about all things cycling-related. I watched a really cool lightning storm as I drove to Austin in the middle of the night. I decided that Houston, Texas sucks. I saw my family. I shot some sweet guns. I had a couple days off. I bought my first pair of climbing shoes AND used them. I saw Blades of Glory and thought it was HILARIOUS. I saw my dog!
And I took some pictures.
Okay, I seriously need your help with this. I was sitting at a stoplight when I looked out my window at the sign for Grapevine Mills Outlets. Nice little Texas cowboy scene. Except, what the hell is going on with this guy?
did you get kicked out of your executive suite yet?
I am just as perplexed as you by that sign. Could he possibly be carrying some sort of crop? Maybe he's playing golf and is too cheap to pay for a caddy, so he's carrying his own stuff. Or, maybe he IS the caddy of that cowboy. I showed it to some of my friends, and they also have no clue.
I got no clue. Everything is bigger in Texas though.
Just a guess... he's sitting on a fence with his saddle sitting there next to him ???
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