Sunday, January 27, 2008


I started with a few drinks, some zip ties, a donated pair of Truck Nutz, and a burning desire to embarrass my friend Becky:

I waited till she went to bed and then set to work on Operation Blue Balls. Fortunately she parked her car outside that night instead of in the garage, so I had a lot more room to move around. Then I worried because at first, I couldn't find a good spot on her VW Passat to hang her balls from. I guess there aren't too many people hanging plastic testicles on that particular model of car. In the end, I had to use a lot of zip ties, but I got the job done:

I left Becky's house the next morning feeling pretty good about what I had done. However, my joy would not last. I received the following e-mail from her just a few hours into the day:

Ha! I told you once that I had beans so I didn’t need a set of blue balls, thanks for thinking of me.

Now I know why you wanted those damn zip ties so bad!

I’m guess you did it last night so your triumph was short lived. It was barely light out this morning when I made my way to McDonalds and when I couldn’t go thru the drive thru with the bikes on the car I had to go in. That was my saving grace….due to my piggy-ness I discovered your tasteless joke. I saw it immediately when I left the restaurant and fortunately, I had a pair of scissors with me for today’s event so I immediately cut the offending sphere from my car. No one saw me, you were foiled in your devious trickery.

Vengence will be mine!!!!

Vengeance is hers, failure is mine.


Anonymous said...

What are blue balls? My wife tells me this may be what I'm experiencing daily...

G as in Chris said...

Gad damnit!!!

Anonymous said...

Becky Gene sounds like a real BITCH!

Anonymous said...

Becky Jeane... Sorry.

Anonymous said...

How disappointing for you! I know how long you planned this feat. If I know Becky you better watch your back, I bet she already had something in mind.

Anonymous said...

When you least expect it.....I am patient like a terrorist.

Anonymous said...

"Patient Like a terorist"?? Hope she isn't a suicide bomber, that could get messy!

Anonymous said...

Yea Jeffy, they're blue balls that you're experiencing...