Thursday, December 04, 2008

Catchin' Up.

Alright. I'm done backdating posts. At the rate I was going, I was never going to get caught up. There were plenty of fun times in October and November that really do deserve lengthy verbose posts, but being so behind is irritating me. Perhaps some day I'll revisit those times. For now, you get a list:

  • I spent October in North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Texas.
  • I got to hang out with Troy and Nixon for a day in Oklahoma City.
  • I got to home for a few days in October too.
  • I spent November in St. Louis and Florida.
  • I also took a short trip to California in November.
  • Thanksgiving Day kinda sucked because I was on a plane all day long.
And now I'm in Atlanta getting ready to drive back down to south Florida. I'm pretty stoked since it's warm down there and because I get to start heading home on Sunday afternoon!

That's all I've got. I know, lame post, but don't worry, there are better ones to come. Maybe.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Contrary to popular belief, I do have a job and I actually have to work sometimes. So, it was time to head back east and get back to work. Troy also needed to head back east, so we figured we might as well fly together to keep each other out of trouble (not the most effective plan). So Wednesday morning, Tori hauled Troy and me to Salt Lake City to catch our flight. We made good time driving, so we had time to stop for lunch at The Red Iguana before having to say goodbye. If you're ever in Salt Lake City, I highly recommend stopping in there for some hella good Mexican food. In fact, if I ever find out you were in SLC and you didn't go to Red Iguana even after I told you to, then I will find you and stab you in the jaw. Hard. They have SEVEN different kinds of Mole! So anyway, we got to the airport and decided that we needed to document our flight together, but my camera was broken, so we took the old school route and we each bought a disposable camera. Hilarity ensued and everyone within a ten foot radius of us was either quite amused or mildly annoyed.
